Episode 2: Baradari & Wifi

After a long slumber of conflicting time zones, we had finally awoken to scavenge for wifi. After settling for a total cost of 2000 rupees, we were happily on our way to Hazrat Ganj. Hazrat Ganj is one of the up and coming areas of Lucknow, renovated and revamped by CM (chief minister), Mayavati. You can go to Hazrat Ganj to glide across the marble floors which lead to brand name stores like United Colors of Benneton, Calvin Klein, Nike, Puma, in addition to Indian brands like Biba, Meena Bazaar, and Jashn. You can also make your way to the numerous cafés and restaurants like Pizza Hut, Royal Cafe (a personal fave), the Cherry Tree, and more. After dragging Nolan to Biba and buying a few well deserved beautiful cotton pieces for ourselves, we went to the Cherry Tree Cafe, known for its garden and cute Parisian style space. 

After having our cold coffees, iced teas & masala cokes (only adventurous Nolan), we made our way to the  Safed Baradari. Safed= white, Bara= 12 Dar= door. The Baradari is known for its cross ventilation and is actually currently controlled by the British India Association. Currently, it’s used as a function hall. 

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